Collection: Needles

Find the right needles for your needs from our wide range. Browse needle lancets, Novofine needles & needles compatible with various pen devices.

Explore Our Range

Our needles category provides a variety of sterile needles for medical use. We stock options for different purposes, including:

  • Needle lancets: These small needles are used to draw a drop of blood for blood glucose testing.
  • Pen needles: Designed for use with insulin pens for injecting medication. We offer pen needles in 31G and 32G.
  • Novofine needles: A popular brand of pen needles, available in a range of gauges.

Choosing the Right Needle:

The appropriate needle size (gauge) will depend on the medication being injected and your individual needs. It's important to consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice on selecting the right needles for you.